Buick Eight Super '51.
Interior in this car is made better than it was orriginaly. We used real leather for door panels and seats, combined with velure like leather front seat rear plate and side panels as well. Carpet is new.

Here you can see one kick panel lying on the floor, before it was mounted. Also custom made.

We changed fuel thank with the new one.

Chasis was totaly cleaned of rust and painted on the car, so was the underbody of the car. On the left image you can see how it looked like before, and on the right how it is after the treatment.

Later on, old rusty exhoust was changed with brand new stainless steel one.

Well, of course, Dynaflow needed a special anti leaking job, so, YES, the usual thing on buick happened: front seal leaking. We had to remove the rear axle to get it done. Nothing unusual on this car. But now, it will hardly ever leak, after some fabrication, and special modifications.

Finaly we test drowe it, and it glides lake a cloud.

After a ride, we took it back to the garage. Checked fluids, etc. Did some final touches as well. Polishing is always a must.